Wednesday 19 May 2010

Spiderman arrives at the harriers!

I was going to play the safe game finance wise and not buy anyone until at least season 2. However I always play with wingers because despite the rubbish way they play in fml I just love the idea of a player taking people on and either cutting in or whipping that cross in. The guys I picked up from my initial pool aren't really out and out wingers so my pledge not to buy anyone ended up lasting about a day!

For my sins I'm a Newcastle United fan so when I saw Argentinian international and all round favourite of Maradonna's Jonas Gutierrez pop up in the free agents I decided to take the plunge. Now there's four things stupid about this:

  1. His wage demand was 14k for a 100k Aq fee player.
  2. His attributes basically amount to pace, acceleration and dribbling and not a lot else.
  3. The guy he's replacing has some potential I believe despite his 6.8 average rating so far and is now probably not going to get games!
  4. There's no 3d match engine yet so I don't get to see him take a spiderman mask out his pants if he scores.
Despite all this I captured him after I was unsurprisingly the only bidder. I also managed to hold off the massive(not!) temptation of selling him for exactly what I'd paid for him when someone bid about 2 hours after he joined my club. I really don't get some people who play this game!

The result?! I hear you all(well me when I read my own blog and pretend I wasn't the author) cry!!! 6 games played to far, 4 goals scored, 2 assists, 3 MoM's and an average rating of 8.23! Now I know that won't last but if he can keep up a 7+ rating then I'll be more than happy, plus I get to manage one of my favourite Toon players.

Now if I can only get another decent winger I could have them swap sides during mean no more purchases til season 2!!

p.s Two of his goals have been headers, i don't think i've seen him head a ball in his life, gogogo fml ME!

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