You know how I was waffling on about playing is sensible and waiting until the end of the season before changing to a 451 formation? Well I sorta lied. As soon as I'd done yesterdays blog I went into fml to setup the same formation I use in beta and then sort of started playing games with it! Its a 41221 formation with a DM, two central mids and two wingers/inside forwards.
The formation has been playing really well in beta and seems to give me decent defensive cover whilst not being too shy on goals either. However the problem with beta is I picked up a pretty decent initial squad with being so new and my opposition can be pretty poor at times. So i have been wondering if it was the formation that was helping me play well or rather my players were playing well despite it. The only way to find out is to play it in live where the playing field is still pretty level. The result so far is a 6-1 win with Jonas scoring 4 and a 1-0 win in the league away from home where I had to pretty much hang on at the end. So a good solid start but I'm just waiting for the usual inconsistency to set in after changing formation before I can really see if it makes much difference.
I've also popped a 17 year old winger I picked up in my initial squad into the team as the guy who was playing on the left was more of a left midfielder than a winger. The result has been great so far with young Cakmak averaging 7.32 in 4 major games with a goal and an assist to boot. Even better is that like Jonas he can play on either wing so I can set them up to swap and hopefully confuse the opposition to boot!
Take a look at him:

Not up to much at the minute is he really? Sure he has the basics for a winger 16 pace/accel, 13 dribbling and 12 crossing which is why I picked him in initially in first place. Also a few of his mental stats aren't awful but overall should he really be averaging so well considering his attributes overall and his current age? Its hard to say for sure at the minute as he's only played 4 games but I'll keep him in there and update when there's more games under the bonnet.
This poses another question, are some youths in FML over performing? I've heard a few grumblings of this and maybe they are in some cases or is it just a case that some of the opposition is so poor the youngsters are getting away with it? I had a little look and there's currently 78 players in Lemerre that are under 17's and have an average rating of 7 or OVER. I tried doing 6.8 but it would only let me pick 7 or 6.5 for some reason! I've had a quick look through and I must say some of them look genuinely good. Some on the other hand really don't and it would appear their ratings are either pace/accel or jumping/corner taking based. It would be interesting to see someone like Adreas F over on the excellent It's a numbers game blog look at the stats of a gameworld properly, wiggle his magic statistical wand come up with some conclusion. All I can offer is that I don't think it stacks up quite right and probably reinforces the idea that there are indeed some attributes that really do rule the game. If that's the case then should youths have some sort of mental inhibitor to stop all but the best from ruling at senior level? I know for sure if I was a 15 year old playing with a bunch of 29 year olds I might be a bit flaky from time to time. What do you think?
The formation has been playing really well in beta and seems to give me decent defensive cover whilst not being too shy on goals either. However the problem with beta is I picked up a pretty decent initial squad with being so new and my opposition can be pretty poor at times. So i have been wondering if it was the formation that was helping me play well or rather my players were playing well despite it. The only way to find out is to play it in live where the playing field is still pretty level. The result so far is a 6-1 win with Jonas scoring 4 and a 1-0 win in the league away from home where I had to pretty much hang on at the end. So a good solid start but I'm just waiting for the usual inconsistency to set in after changing formation before I can really see if it makes much difference.
I've also popped a 17 year old winger I picked up in my initial squad into the team as the guy who was playing on the left was more of a left midfielder than a winger. The result has been great so far with young Cakmak averaging 7.32 in 4 major games with a goal and an assist to boot. Even better is that like Jonas he can play on either wing so I can set them up to swap and hopefully confuse the opposition to boot!
Take a look at him:

Not up to much at the minute is he really? Sure he has the basics for a winger 16 pace/accel, 13 dribbling and 12 crossing which is why I picked him in initially in first place. Also a few of his mental stats aren't awful but overall should he really be averaging so well considering his attributes overall and his current age? Its hard to say for sure at the minute as he's only played 4 games but I'll keep him in there and update when there's more games under the bonnet.
This poses another question, are some youths in FML over performing? I've heard a few grumblings of this and maybe they are in some cases or is it just a case that some of the opposition is so poor the youngsters are getting away with it? I had a little look and there's currently 78 players in Lemerre that are under 17's and have an average rating of 7 or OVER. I tried doing 6.8 but it would only let me pick 7 or 6.5 for some reason! I've had a quick look through and I must say some of them look genuinely good. Some on the other hand really don't and it would appear their ratings are either pace/accel or jumping/corner taking based. It would be interesting to see someone like Adreas F over on the excellent It's a numbers game blog look at the stats of a gameworld properly, wiggle his magic statistical wand come up with some conclusion. All I can offer is that I don't think it stacks up quite right and probably reinforces the idea that there are indeed some attributes that really do rule the game. If that's the case then should youths have some sort of mental inhibitor to stop all but the best from ruling at senior level? I know for sure if I was a 15 year old playing with a bunch of 29 year olds I might be a bit flaky from time to time. What do you think?